Political Finances
You will require an Auditor if you meet the following criteria;
1. A Candidate in the City of Toronto (or in a municipality with a similar by-law) that Participates in the Contributions Rebate Program.
2. Your campaign period contributions received and expenses equally (both) exceed $10,000.
Why Do you Need an Auditor?
As per the Municipal Elections Act, S.O. 1996, Sections 88.25; 88.29
Financial Statement – Auditor’s Report
You will need to file, FORM 4, your campaign “Financial Statement and Auditors Report”. If your contribution and expenses are less than $10,000 equally, and do not participate in the contributions rebate program you do not need an auditor – however, if you would like an election finances expert to prepare your campaign financial statement (FORM 4) – we can help.
Our Audit Services
In order to obtain the Political Finances Audit or Accounting services of Chaplin & Co. LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants your campaign must meet some requirements.